Rural Women Speaking Out
An outstanding Panel of influential rural women in discussion about the Voice to Parliament and what it means for rural, regional and remote Australia.

Communities supporting the Voice: Reaching diverse parts of the community
The Panel shares practical strategies and creative ways to bring everyone into the conversation about the Voice Referendum. From migrant communities, faith groups, disabled, to playgroups, schools, education institutions, clubs, local businesses and more, we explore local action and diversity.

Communities supporting the Voice: Campaign management, strategy & tools
Showcasing Community Independent best practice campaigning in support of the Voice. Sue Barrett, a Captain for Yes and Campaign Manager for Zoe Daniel, will share her experience, tools and tips for successful community campaigning.

The Voice
Dean Parkin, Campaign Director Yes23, in conversation with Professor Kate Auty. Dean shares his insights on how the campaign is engaging Australians to accept the invitation to recognise First Nations peoples by establishing an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice to Parliament. The discussion sets the scene for the more detailed session on how communities can support the campaign.

Communities Supporting the Yes Vote
Tina Jackson in conversation with Emily Holm, National Field Organiser Yes23; Mary Crooks AO, Project Director Together Yes; Kath Naish, Community Engagement Manager for Allegra Spender MP; and Nicolette Boele, Shadow representative for Bradfield. The panel shares how they are working to encourage participation in the YES vote through grassroots community action, including tips and ideas on how we can all play our part.

Together YES: How communities can support the YES vote
The First Nations Voice to Parliament referendum marks a pivotal moment in our nation’s history. This Zoom discussion cuts through the noise and diversionary arguments to give us knowledge, practical steps and a values-based process that communities can use to support the YES vote.