Rural Women Speaking Out

The First Nations Voice to Parliament Referendum marks a pivotal moment in our nation’s history. Some still have questions about the proposed constitutional changes and what the impacts will be. This is an opportunity to hear from a panel of influential rural women who share their experiences and insights.

Panel includes: 

  • Dr Helen Haines, Independent Federal MP for Indi, Victoria

  • Susi Tegen, Chief Executive, National Rural Health Alliance

  • Natalie Sommerville, President, Australian Women in Agriculture

  • Liz Brennan, Director, Rural Regional Remote Women's Network of WA

  • together with Alana Johnson AM, Chair, Victorian Women’s Trust and CIP Director

We know women have always made lasting differences to social and political reforms in Australia, so please share this with your family and friends to enable us all to be better informed and equipped to have constructive discussions in our own communities.

Panel details

Dr Helen Haines MP

Helen's background is in cattle farming, nursing and rural health research. In 2019, she and the Indi community made history when Cathy McGowan passed the baton to her, becoming the first Community Independent to follow a Community Independent. Helen is passionate about integrity, the environment and better outcomes for her community and the country.

Susi Tegen

Susi is a strong advocate for better and more accessible medical and health services in rural Australia and has held Chief for many medical bodies, peak organisations and on government advisory committees. She has lived and worked in rural and remote parts of Australia for most of her life on sheep, cattle and cropping properties.

Natalie Sommerville

Natalie is a farmer, grazier, business owner, mother and mentor and lives on Ngadjuri Country in South Australia's Mid North. She is driven by her passion for sustainable agriculture, the environment and social justice. Her focus is influencing positive change in rural Australia through community collaboration and greater innovation, inclusion and diversity.

Liz Brennan

Liz is from Kununurra, Miriwoong Country in WA and is the co-founder of agdots and Non-Executive Director at Wide Open Agriculture and the Rural, Regional and Remote Women's Network, as well as a Councillor with the National Farmers' Federation Young Farmers' Council. In 2016, Liz was awarded the WA Young Achiever of the Year for her voluntary and community contributions.

Alana Johnson

Alana is a pioneer in rural women's leadership in Australia. She is the founding member of Australian Women in Agriculture, former President of the Foundation for Australian Agricultural Women and Chair of The Victorian Women's Trust.  She is recognised for her rural activism and community involvement.  Alana is a founding member of Voices for Indi and co-founder and Director of the Community Independents Project (CIP).


Reflections on the Referendum: Lessons for community campaigns


Communities supporting the Voice: Reaching diverse parts of the community