Voices of us

by Tim Dunlop

Australian politics is changing.

The two-party system is disappearing, and the balance of power is shifting. While these changes might feel fragile, we may just be on the precipice of a transformative era for democracy in Australia.

At the 2022 federal election, Australia voted — not just for change in individual seats — but a realignment of the way in which our political system works.

This book is about how that happened.

It’s also about what we have to do next to ensure these changes are bedded down so that we can move towards being a progressive, open, economically stable and egalitarian nation. A nation so many of us desire.

Voices of us tells the inspiring story of the transformation of Australian democracy.

‘Save the world, save our democracy: this book shows how maybe we can do both.’ — Jonathan Green

‘Tim Dunlop puts the rise of the Community Independents in its historical place – not a flash in the plan, neither the beginning nor the end of a process, but a crucial step in our democracy. This is an important and easy read for anyone wishing to understand more about how we can reclaim and reshape our politics.’ — Tim Hollo

‘Tim Dunlop provides a compelling examination of the long-term trends that led to the wave of independents being elected in the 2022 election. Rather than just treat the election in isolation, Voices of us shows how we got here, what it means, and crucially, highlights the powerful forces in politics and the media that will continue to try to reverse the tide.’ — Greg Jericho


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