Think Global, Act Local
An insightful and inspiring discussion between Craig Foster AM and Dr Sophie Scamps, Community Independent MP for Mackellar. Craig is a former Socceroo, broadcaster, human rights advocate, 2023 NSW Australian of the Year and Chair Australian Republic Movement. He reminds us that politics is everyone's business, sharing his experiences and why everyone needs to be an active participant in political and civic life.

Exploring the Political Ecosystem
Cathy McGowan asks what makes a healthy ecosystem in this unique and special discussion with all the Community Independent MPs. They discuss how they are working with their communities, and their communities are working with them, and share their thoughts on what it means to be an effective MP.

The Voice
Dean Parkin, Campaign Director Yes23, in conversation with Professor Kate Auty. Dean shares his insights on how the campaign is engaging Australians to accept the invitation to recognise First Nations peoples by establishing an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice to Parliament. The discussion sets the scene for the more detailed session on how communities can support the campaign.

Communities Supporting the Yes Vote
Tina Jackson in conversation with Emily Holm, National Field Organiser Yes23; Mary Crooks AO, Project Director Together Yes; Kath Naish, Community Engagement Manager for Allegra Spender MP; and Nicolette Boele, Shadow representative for Bradfield. The panel shares how they are working to encourage participation in the YES vote through grassroots community action, including tips and ideas on how we can all play our part.

Communities Taking Action: Three Case Studies
Be inspired by the stories of three courageous communities taking political action. Kate Gunn tells us about the Liverpool Plains community fighting the expansion of gas on prime agricultural land. Suzie Pearce shares how the community driven North-East Rail Alliance is challenging the Inland Rail Project and Jacqui Scruby explains how communities are working to stop oil drilling off the northern beaches of Sydney.

Keeping the Independent Flame Alive
Some communities came very close to electing an Independent at the last election, others have more work to do. Whatever stage in the independent journey, the Panel will share how they are keeping the independent flame alive in their communities throughout the electoral cycle. Community participation in democracy does not stop at an Election and there are many ways of winning.

Sue Barrett leads this vital discussion with Rob Baillieu, Kooyong campaign; Elli Murphy, Goldstein campaign, Taylah Schrader, Warringah campaign, and Alex Dyson, Independent Candidate for Wannon. They discuss ideas on community building, engaging younger people in politics, and encouraging the next generation of political leaders. The longevity and sustainability of the movement depends on how well we can do this.

Evolution of Voices
The conversation covers setting up a group as well as new ideas and approaches for the evolution of established groups. Inspired by the Kitchen Table Conversation model used by Voices of Indi, the groups that have formed organically across the country are all unique to their communities, pollinating political awareness and inspiring action.